Monday 19 May 2014

Learning to Ride, all over again...

One of the things you need to be capable of doing, is to be able to pick up the motorcycle you are riding. It has been a long time since I have had to do that, as I made sure I could always ride well enough on the current motorcycle I had, so that I could stay UP on the bike.

But, with Adventure Touring, you have to assume that you will be offroad much more and that will put you into more precarious situations.

So, I went online, and watched some videos of some very small people, picking up some very large motorcycles. I took their lead and learned how.

First, I took the saddle bags and trunk off, just in case this went very bad, and I dropped the bike. I did not want to damage them. But also, the bags would keep the back of the bike at less of an angle so it would be an unfair advantage. I also did this on the grass. Again, so it would have a softer landing if needed. The grass also had the advantage of being more slippy than either gravel or pavment. I wore my street shoes so that I would not have any advantage of my Sidi motorcycle boots.

So, here goes.

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